Macro Editor 1.2.1 FAT documentation - November 1994
• Shareware - $10 - cash only
◊ This utility is part of the KeyQuencer package, which is a powerful shareware macro engine. The $10 registration for KeyQuencer also covers the Macro Editor. The KeyQuencer control panel provides full online documentation as well as a handy registration form.
◊ This version of the Macro Editor is a fat application, containing both 680x0 and native PowerPC code. It was not included in the standard KeyQuencer package because it is noticeably larger than the 680x0 version without being much faster (most of the Macro Editor’s code handles the user interface, so there’s nothing much to accellerate).
• The Macro Editor application
◊ The Macro Editor is a simple text editor with some extra features that allow it to cooperate with KeyQuencer either locally or over a network. You can save macros as plain text files and store them anywhere you like (including handy places like the “Startup Items” and “Apple Menu” folders); double-clicking a text macro file or dropping it onto the Macro Editor’s icon launches the macro it contains. The Macro Editor can quit automatically after it has executed your macro if you don’t want it to hang around.
◊ The try macro command lets you execute a macro on the fly, without going to the control panel or assigning it to a particular keystroke. This makes it a lot easier to test new macros, even though you’ll have to begin them with a SwitchApp command if they are intended to work on top of a specific application.
◊ The insert pathname command is useful with commands like Open, so you don’t have to remember the names of all your files and folders.
◊ The extensions menu works much like the command and parameter lists in the control panel’s macro editor; you may use it to quickly build a macro with very little typing. Since building the menu takes a while, you may want to leave the menu empty at launch and build it later when you need it.
◊ The help window gathers information about all the currently installed KeyQuencer extensions; you can save the text and print it with a text editor to create a quick reference for all of KeyQuencer’s commands. The help window is only available after the Extensions menu has been built.
◊ The remote menu allows you to send macros to other Macs on a network. This requires both KQ Apple Events running and Program Linking enabled on the target machine. You may attach the current target to a text macro file to have the macro automatically sent to the target when you open it with the Macro Editor. The attached target can be later removed or inspected. Note that it is impossible to send macros over the network from outside the Macro Editor, since a full application is required to support program linking. The Send Clipboard Text command can be used to send the current clipboard text to a remote Macro Editor application; you may transfer a macro from one computer to another without using file sharing by copying the text, choosing a remote Macro Editor application as the target and then sending the clipboard text to it; you can then use the paste command in the remote application to insert the text in a new macro.
◊ You may find the latest version of all my shareware programs by anonymous ftp to, inside the /software/mac/LMontalcini directory. The complete ShareDisk package, which contains all my stuff and can be registered at a very low price, is also available there.
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• Disclaimer
◊ The Macro Editor shouldn’t cause any damage, but you’re using it at your own risk. As an independent software developer, I can make no warranties whatsoever on it.
• Have fun!
◊ And don't forget to $$$ send your contribution $$$ so that more cool utilities will see the light in the near future, at the low-low-low costs of shareware.